Sofas are there in every house no matter how small or big, old or new the house is and cleaning the sofa could be a huge task when you have children or pets in your house.
Pets are lovely and we all love our pets to the deepest, they are a part of our family but sometimes when guests are coming over or you are on a cleaning spree of your house there are a few things only pet owners deal with i.e. the odour our pets leave behind.
This odour is not what you want your house to smell like and the most common of all places are couches/sofas or rugs of your house.

Here are a Few Easy Way in Which You Can Deal With The Odour Caused by your Pets on your Sofas:
Removables –
There are many things that lie on your sofa to make it look more amazing than it already is. Cushions, sofa covers etc should be removed and deep cleaned, most of the odour is trapped in the fabric of your sofa covers only. Washing your sofa covers time to time so that the odour remains in the removable only and does not affect the sofa’s mattress pad. A sofa cleaning tip is to add half a cup vinegar if the odour is strong.Vacuum It –
Just vacuum out all the debris your pet left behind on your sofa. Therefore, It can be an easy and successful way to Couch Cleaning in Melbourne from all the corners and between the hard to reach sofa pads.Say No to Chemicals –
There are chemical cleaners in the market to clean your sofa which can be harmful for your house. Avoid using chemicals as they can harm your pets or choose the ones recommended by the vets and is healthy for your pet in particularBaking Soda to The Rescue –
Sprinkling baking soda can be the ultimate way to sofa cleaning to get rid of the pet odours. Therefore, Let your couch be for a day (24-hours) with baking soda sprinkled on it. Then vacuum it out the next day and the difference in the odour will be noticeable.
There are Homemade Sprays Which Can Help You Clean your Sofa Some of Which are As Follows:
- Vinegar and baking soda can be mixed together with water in the ratio 1:2:4 in a spray bottle. The sprayed on your couch to make it odour free.
- Yucca powder mixed with water with 1-tbsp yucca powder in one cup of water in a spray bottle. It can also help in dealing with pet odour.
- Adding vodka to water in a spray bottle in the ratio 2:1 can work as a cleaning agent.
Therefore, Make sure to check these solutions for your sofa by spraying it on a smaller area. Noticing if it leaves any stain, if not, make your sofas odourless with simple tricks at home by yourself.
Previous Article – Top 5 different ways to protect your sofa from dirt and stains